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Entrepreneur (proven models in tech services, healthcare and gastronomy).
Adventurer (motor biker and interviewer: www.thoughtseekers.com).
Writer (published "On the development of consciousness", a short book aiming to unlock the meaning of life, inspired by insightful conversations with thoughtSeekers met during our trips in Asia. As well as other articles).
Simion was born in Brasov, Transylvania/Romania, in 1987.
After graduating high school, he continued his studies with a bachelor in International Business at the Vienna University of Business and Economics and a master in Environmental Technology and International Affairs at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and Technical University of Vienna.
He started his entrepreneurial endeavours in his dormitory room, in the 10th district in Vienna, while still in the university. He was lucky to have great colleagues, co-founders and friends, joining him on learning rich up-s and down-s along the way.
He is paasionate about Tae-Kwon-Do (black belt in 2016) and motorbiking (traveled more than 150.000 km on 3 continents, interviewing people who achieve the extraordinary with ordinary means).